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I bring A beginners mind, A survivor’s strength, An earth-mother’s perspective, An advocate’s persistence, A writer’s way with words, A filmmakers Vision, Courage Scared into me By single-handed sailing, Outrage Welling up in me After requisite healing, Surety of success Stemming from accomplishment. I seek A community Of scholars Committed to public service, Solid grounding In legal History and theory, Intimacy With ins and outs Of procedures and loopholes, Ways and means Of effecting social change. I promise Engaged participation, In-depth scholarship, Pace-setting research, Public service leadership. I thank you. Diana Curran

On Saturday January 22, 2011, shortly before the moon rise, Diana Curran took her last breath in this life.  She was not sure about what lay ahead, but she was fulfilled with the life she had mastered.  She did not tell many people of the cancer that had taken hold of her because she did not want people to worry about her.  She was fine she said- happy and content as a person can be.


She was a human being first. She was also a mom, a film maker, a professor, sailor, captain, adventurer, thinker, writer, and a critic.  She was a student and teacher of literature, history, Astrology, law, and Philosophy.  She endeavored to live a better life, to create a better existence for others, to define, and refine what it meant to be human.

That is only the beginning of the story.  She has done so much, had so many adventures, and made so many good friends along the way.  I am constantly reminded of how little I know of my mother’s life outside her role as a fantastic mom.  I have started this page in order to allow those of us who knew her to share some memories, and to remember together what a wonderful woman she was.  Please feel free to chime in with words and photographs.  Keep it short if you can, or make it as long as you need to.


If for some reason you have a hard time posting your text or photos, please send them to me at and I will put them up.


You can see her documentary film, Strength Through Struggle in two parts on You tube:


Part one:

Part two:



A lot of people have been asking about donations.  Although my mom was a philanthropist, I am certain she would not want people giving in her name.  If you feel that you want to give for yourself, please feel free to contribute, or volunteer for the cause of your choice.  We all know that just about everyone can use a helping hand right about now.  Here is a short list of great charities that my mom supported:

Visiting Nurse Services of Newport and Bristol Counties:

The staff and volunteers made my mom’s last days far better than we could have wished for.

Women For women:

Big sisters RI:

More on the way.  Feel free to add suggestions.

Thank you for helping me to remember her, and to honor a life well worth celebrating. 


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